Hello there! 👋

Nice to meet you, my name is Yiwei. I am currently a first-year master's student at the University of Texas at Austin studying User Experience Design and Research.

Previously, I studied Public Health and Data Science at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Coming from an interdisciplinary background, I have a strong interest in bringing technology into the community by creating positive social impacts. My UX journey started with an undergraduate internship at the New York State Department of Health. I conducted basic usability testing tasks through competitive analysis, interviews, and data analysis for a webpage redesign project. Since then, I found the universal connection of UX to different fields and I enjoy the process of defining a problem and solving it to fulfill people's needs.

What I do besides UX?

  • I enjoy baking! I think the process of baking is similar to the process of UX design. Both start from ideation, research, then to prototype.

  • I have a huge passion for language learning and I studied Japanese in college for three years and attended study abroad program in Japan at 2019.

  • Fun fact about me: I'm a boba enthusiast. No boba no life : D

Please enjoy some of my baking products! ⬇️